In this Archive you’ll find the text of all past Soul Journey Newsletters. These were sent to open hearts around the world who felt drawn to sign up and receive the monthly installments of this new book ‘Soul in the Driver’s Seat: A Course in Miracles for the New Age’ Also referred to simply as ‘Soul’. These Newsletters began 22nd July 2023, and are a continuation of the Journey Newsletters which ran from July 2020 to January 2023.All these precious hearts are willingly and to the best of their ability, living the message of unconditional loving and indiscriminate blessing shared in the books of A Journey Into The Unknown, Arrival, and Soul. Christina Strutt creates these Newsletters as prompted, threading a Net of Light with her love-infused words. An infinite Net of Love weaving together these tomes, and often embracing resonating quotes from A Course in Miracles, A Course in Miracles Original Edition, A Course of Love, and Oneness. All woven into a single shimmering tapestry in loving support of the living journey Jesus calls each and every one of us to. Growing in Christ Awareness, awakening to Christ Consciousness individually and collectively, and on beyond into Christ Transformation and Manifestation. Living as best we can as the energy of Love in Form, perhaps looking no different on the outside, yet knowingly, soulfully walking as Christs in the world as it is today.
Enjoy the 40 Journey Newsletters (July 2020–January 2023) archived here.
Quick Links: START HERE 1 2 3 4 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 7
Soul Journey Newsletter 1
(22 July 2023)
Soul Journey Newsletter 2
(9 September 2023)
Soul Journey Newsletter 3
(16 December 2023)
Soul Journey Newsletter 4
(4 May 2024)
Soul Journey Newsletter 5.1
(13 July 2024)
Soul Journey Newsletter 5.2
(13 July 2024)
Soul Journey Newsletter 6.1
(21 December 2024)
Soul Journey Newsletter 6.2
(21 December 2024)
Soul Journey Newsletter 7
(1 February 2025)